Monday, 24 September 2012

Weigh-in update

Tony and I had our 3rd weigh in on Wednesday - we've been IP’ing for 3 1/2 weeks and Tony’s slowed down from his usual 3lbs to my 1lb but is still doubling my progress - very annoying!  That said, I’m obviously very slow on the pounds with only 4lbs down in total since the beginning whereas Tony is down 9lbs.
As depressing as that appears on the surface (I know someone who’s lost up to 11lbs in just 1 week!), incredibly, my BMI is down 5% and Tony’s is down 4% - this puts us well in to the “acceptable” category and almost into the “fit” category! :)

In addition, I’ve lost 2” off each of the major areas (hips, waist and of course chest) and Tony’s about the same - so although neither of us have lost major pounds - the overall results are pretty major and I’ve gone down a full dress size.

Lastly, Tony has not been on blood pressure meds for 3 weeks and his blood pressure seems to have stabilized around where it was when he was on the meds pre-IP and has not experienced any digestive discomfort which is something that has plagued him for the better part of this year.

As you can imagine, I’d like to see the pounds go down a bit faster but really am so pleased with the results as they are - my goal is to enjoy our bottle of 1999 Chateau Pontet-Canet for our 13th wedding anniversary at the end of October and so we’re now focused on making that happen!

Despite the above, we’re still enjoying experimenting with recipes and we’ve discovered the eggplant french toast is very versatile - today we put a few leftover slices in the oven topped with a little rhubarb (previously simmered with a splash of water and a little stevia) - baked it for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees and then served it topped with IP vanilla pudding mixed with a little cinnamon - almost like rhubarb bread pudding with vanilla custard!  Don’t knock it until you try it :)

I hope you are enjoying ‘eating your way to your goal’ as much as we are!

Happy week ahead.

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